associate 聯想(v.)、同事、夥伴(n.)、副的、準的(adj.)
去把對象連結在一起就是聯想;一起去做有關聯的事就是同事或夥伴;一起幫忙到幾乎和主要對象有相同作用的就是副的、準的。Most people associate this brand with good quality.
A associate director and an associate member of an organization.
dissociate 使分離(v.)
去把連結拆開就是讓它分離。I can't dissociate the man from his political opinions, they're one and the same thing.
social 社會的、社交的、善交際的(adj.)
社會是由人們之間交集而成的。Monkey are highly social animals.
I had an active social life when I was at college.
I'm shy, but my brother's very social.
sociable 善交際的、合群的(adj.)
She's a very sociable child.
socialize 使社會化、交際(v.)
Here at the school we make every effort to socialize these young offenders.
I tend not to socialize with my colleagues.
society 社會、社團、社交(n.)
We must also consider the needs of the younger or older members of society.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
She prefers her own society.
exult at/ in/ over 興高采烈(v.)
情緒跳出來表現的欣喜若狂。They exulted at their victory.
She seems to exult in her power.
exultant 興高采烈的(adj.)
exultation 興高采烈(n.)
consult 諮詢、商量、查閱(v.)
把跳當作一個動作,兩個人同時在做類似的動作時,表示他們在討論同一件事,如諮詢、商量;對著非人做諮詢就是查閱的動作。If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor.
Why don't you consult me about this?
I'm not quite sure how to get there. I'd better consult a map。
result 結果、成果(n.)、導致(v.)
成績、結果會在行動後跳回來讓人得知。The road has been widened, but the result is just more traffic.
Many hair problems result from what you eat.
insult 侮辱(n.v.)
跳到別人身上就是一種侮辱。She made several insults about my appearance.
First he drank all my wine and then he insulted all my friends.
Extra words:
political 政治的(adj.)symptom 症狀(n.)