dedicate 奉獻(v.)
雙手合十垂頭閉眼將身心投入在往下的宣言。He has dedicated his life to scientific research
The book is dedicated to the author's husband.
dedication 奉獻(n.)
predicate 斷言、基於(v.)
在討論前就已經決定的事就是斷言;斷言可以說是一種說話者的確信,因此如果認定此為事實也可以當作基於的意思。It would be unwise to predicate that the disease is caused by a virus before further tests.
The sales forecast is predicated on the assumption that the economy will grow.
indicate 表明、標示、建議(v.)
在標籤上的宣言就是表明、標示、建議。She indicated to me that she didn't want me to say anything.
The gauge indicates a temperature below freezing.
This drug is indicated for this patient as a treatment for her allergies.
indication 表明、標示、建議(n.)
abdicate 退位(v.)
宣布自己即將遠離職位的事實。King Edward abdicated in 1936.
She abdicated all responsibility for the project.
abdication 退位(n.)
vindicate 證明、澄清(v.)
「vine」是指籐類植物的英文,雖然沒什麼關聯,不過當「vin(藤類)」加上「dicate(宣言)」時,就會有「證明」、「證明清白」的意思。記憶法:藤類宣言就是證明清白的意思。The investigation vindicated her complaint about the newspaper.
They said they welcomed the trial as a chance to vindicate themselves.
vindication 證明、澄清(n.)
addiction 成癮(n.)
總是會不由自主的走到成癮的事情前喃喃自語。She helped herself to fight her drug addiction.
He needed money to feed his addiction to gambling.
prediction 預言、預測(n.)
在事情發生前先說出來表示預言、預測。No one believed her prediction that the world would end on 12 November.
Weather prediction has never been a perfect science.
interdiction 禁止、封鎖(n.)
在可以和不可以之間宣布界線來禁止、封鎖。這個字比較不常見。Efforts would concentrate mainly on illegal drug interdiction.
benediction 祈福(n.)
「bene」是「好」的意思,如「benefit(利益)」。好的宣言就是祈福、祈禱。The minister pronounced the benediction.
The Pope's hands were raised in benediction.
malediction 詛咒(n.)
「male」是「壞」的意思。和「benediction」相反是詛咒、壞話的意思。He left, muttering malediction against them.
contradiction 矛盾(n.)
相反的宣言就是矛盾的意思。You say that you're good friends and yet you don't trust him. Isn't that a contradiction?
contradict 矛盾、反駁(v.)
How dare you contradict me!
valediction 告別(n.)
這個字有正式告別的意味。「val」有「強」、「價值」的意思。離別時說的話若要感人必須要說出讓人感覺有價值的話。這個字不怎麼常用。jurisdiction 審判權(n.)
「juris」可以當作「judge」的變體。能夠發出審判宣言必須要有審判權。The court has no jurisdiction in cases of this kind.
School admissions are not under our jurisdiction.
Extra words:
forecast 預測(n.v.)assumption 假設(n.)
gauge 測量器(n.)、測量(v.)
complaint 控訴、抱怨(v.)
trail 審判(n.)、試驗(n.v.)
gamble 賭博、投機(n.v.)
minister 牧師、部長(n.)
pope 教皇(n.)
mutter 呢喃(v.)