constant 經常的、恆定的、忠誠的(adj.)、常數(n.)
若將站立的人比喻成事情的發生,則一排人站著直到沒有盡頭表示這件事情不斷的發生;不斷的表示聯繫相當緊密表示人的忠誠;恆定的數字就是常數。The machines that are in constant use.
The fridge keeps food at a constant temperature.
A constant companion of friend who is loyal to you.
instant 立即的(adj.)、立刻(n.)
意識到必須要站的位置,趕快跨一步站在那個位置,一個很緊急的動作。作為形容詞也可以用在速融食品商,例如「立即性咖啡(即溶)」。This type of account offers you instant access to your money.
The instant coffee and the instant soup.
In an instant her mood had changed.
distant 遙遠的、難以親近的、遠親的(adj.)
站在很遠的位置表示遙遠/難以親近/遠親的。At some point in the distant future I would like to have my own house.
She seemed cold and distant.
A distant relative.
distance 遠處、距離(n.)
From a distance he looks a bit like Johnny Depp.
circumstance 情況、情境(n.)
站著周圍的情形就是對於這個人的情況、情勢。I think she coped very well under the circumstance.
They were victims of circumstance.
motion 動、動議(n.)、示意(v.)
The violent motion of the ship upset his stomach.This motion was accepted.
He motioned me to sit down.
motive 動機(n.)、運作原理的(adj.)
Why would she have killed him? She has no motive.
motivate 驅使、激勵(v.)
Like so many people, he's motivated by greed.
Teaching is all about motivating people to learn.
emotion 情緒、情感(n.)
將心情往外移動的表現就是情緒、情感。promote 促進、晉升(v.)
往前移動就是促進;對於一個人事業的前進就是晉升。promotion 促進、晉升(n.)
commotion 騷動(n.)
一堆人在竄動表示一場騷動。His arrival caused quite a commotion.
He looked up to see what all the commotion was about.
demotion 降級、降職(n.)
和前進晉升的「promotion」相反,往下掉就是降級、降職。The club were threatened with demotion to the Second Division.
Government employees are worrying about demotions or being removed from their job altogether.
remote 遙遠的、難近人的、遠端的、微乎其微的(adj.)
和剛提到的「distant」有相近的意思。不斷的再移動也很難到達的地方就是遙遠的、遠端的;讓人感覺心靈遙遠的人就是難以親近的人;遙遠到無法想像的機率就是微乎其微。Her manner was remote and cool.
The chances of a visit by Martians to Earth are remote.
Extra words:
companion 陪伴者(n.)cope 處理、應付(v.)
greed 貪婪(n.)
Second Division 乙級(n.)
altogether 完全、總體(adv.n.)
Mars 火星(n.)
Martian 火星的(adj.)、火星人(n.)