pose 姿勢(n.)、 引起(v.)
They said the tablets didn't pose any health danger.posit 假設(v.)
It's wrong that positing this idea is great.
positive 積極的、正面的(adj.)
This meeting was positive and had promoted understanding of each other.
position 位置(n.)、安置於(v.)
Position the cursor and click the button which can let you next page.
appose 附於(v.)
把東西擺到一個面上就會附著。To appose an official seal to a document.
purpose 目的、意圖(v.n.)
What's your purpose?
He will purpose to get more cards.
expose 曝光、揭露(v.)
把原本藏起來的東西擺出去稱為曝光。The press exposed the star's personal photos.
exposition 說明、博覽會(n.)
The education exposition is terrible this time.
propose 提議、求婚、舉杯(v.)
向前把手伸出作出動作可以代表提議、求婚、舉杯。Let's propose to celebrate this wedding!
proposition 建議、提案(n.)
proposal 建議、提案、求婚(n.)
compose 撰寫、作曲、組成、使平靜(v.)
把文字或音符擺在一起就是寫作或作曲;把東西擺在一起就是組成;把躁亂的思緒集合歸位使情緒平靜。This robot composed of many gears.
The cells composed the organization.
I wish I could compose a beautiful song one day.
I tried to compose and smile.
composition 作文、樂曲、成分(n.)
discompose 使煩擾(v.)
decompose 分解、腐敗(v.)
This machine will be decomposed.
The fruit begins to decompose.
decomposition 分解、腐敗(n.)
suppose 假定(v.)
手上拿著東西研究思考的時候通常都是擺在前下方,也就是對下方擺放的東西做猜想。「be supposed to」即為「should」,也就是「被期望」等同於「應該」。We are supposed to follow the law. (We should follow the law.)
What am I supposed to do? (What should I do?)
I supposed it didn't happen.
supposition 假定(n.)
presuppose 假定(v.)
All your arguments presuppose that he's a rational, intelligent man.
presupposition 假定(n.)
depose 罷免(v.)
把在職位上的人往下擺代表罷免。Finally, the corrupt official be deposed.
deposition 罷免、證詞、沉積物(n.)
A thick mud of deposition covered the tract of land.
In her deposition, she denied that he is suspicious.
deposit 存款(n.v.)、訂金(n.)、存放(v.)
My deposit is close to zero. It seems I probably need to eat dirt to subsist.
He had deposited a little rice in my house.
repose 休息(v.n.)、長眠(n.)
一天開始之前所有的生物都處於睡眠的狀態,擺回最開始的位置就是休息。這個字較偏於安詳、靜定的意思。After some seconds repose, she set out again.
reposition 歸位(v.)、儲藏(n.)
After planting exposition ending, all the plants are repositioned.
preposition 介係詞(n.)
「position」為位置的意思,而必須放在前面位置的就是介係詞,通常放在名詞前面。「pre」和「pose衍伸字」的組合有不少,例如predisposion、presupposition等,但並沒有直接接「pose」的字,只有接名詞的「position」。impose on 強加、徵稅(v.)
「im」除了在裡面外,也有「在上面」的意思。擺放在別人身上的就是一種強迫的行為,多用在政府行為上。Fines are imposed on retailers who sell tobacco to minors.
The filming impose a pressure on her.
imposition 強加、徵稅(n.)
superimpose on 重疊(v.)
The book cover has the picture of a dove superimpose on the battle scene.
superimposition 重疊(n.)
dispose of 配置、處置(v.)
到處擺放到正確的位置就有配置與處置的意思。這個字當作「處置(處理)」的頻率相當高。They dispose of the city's waste in the sea.
To dispose of coals properly.
disposition 處置、性情(n.)
The rides are unsuitable for people of nervous disposition.
The drug disposition is inadequately.
predispose 使傾向於、使容易於(v.)
Smoking will predispose you to lung cancer.
predisposition 傾向、素質(n.)
She has annoying predisposition to find fault.
oppose 反對(v.)
雙方對著對方擺出姿勢有針鋒相對的意味。We oppose the new proposition which the teacher proposed.
opposition 反對(n.)
There is a lot of opposition to the proposed changes.
interpose 介入、干預、插嘴(v.)
擺入正在交流的兩者之間是一種介入與干擾。You shouldn't interpose when someone is playing a match.
interposition 介入、干預、插嘴(n.)
There is no room for interposition.
transpose 調換(v.)
移動對調物品的位置。Magicians are good at tricking audiences by transpose items.
transposition 調換(n.)
This program's picture transposition function has not already completed.
Extra words:
seal 印章、海豹(n.)cell 細胞(n.)
tobacco 菸草(n.)
minor 未成年人(n.)
film 拍攝(v.)、電影(n.)
waste 垃圾(n.)、浪費(v.)
properly 適當地(adv.)
inadequately 不適當地(adv.)
ride 遊樂設施(n.)、騎(v.)