command 命令、指揮(v.n.)
下達命令使大家一起完成任務。commander 指揮官、長官(n.)
recommend 推薦(v.)
recommendation 推薦(n.)
demand 需求(v.n.)
往下指派中的命令,而命令就是為了滿足需求才施行的。這個字可以當作「need」。remand 還押(v.n.)
先解釋一下「還押」的意思:有些嫌疑人在審判前會先關到監獄等候判決,但待遇會比其他囚犯好因為還沒確定罪行。「re」在這邊當「返回」、「保留」的意思,法庭命令嫌疑人回來這邊做保留等待審判。He was remanded on theft charges.
He was held on remand in prison for 18 months.
countermand 撤回、撤銷(v.)
「counter」有「返」的意思,常在遊戲中作為「反擊」用。把命令返回就是撤回、撤銷。I can't countermand an order Winger's given.
mandate 授權、委任(v.n.)
當「mand」加上字尾「ate」後,變為較委婉的「命令」。Our delegates have been mandated to vote against the proposal at the conference.
The president secured the congressional mandate to go the war by three votes.
mandatory 命令的、強制的、法定的(adj.)
Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.
adhere 黏附(v.)
對著物體黏上去就是黏附、黏著。A smooth, dry surface helps the tiles adhere to the wall.
cohere 黏著、連繫(v.)
把兩者黏起來就是黏著、連繫。這裡的「con」被簡寫為「co」要注意。His vision is of a world that coheres through human connection rather than rules.
The various elements of the novel fail to cohere.
inhere in 固存(v.)
與生俱來就擁有的意思。黏在裡面表示深根地固的存在。The sense of movement doesn't inhere in the sculpture itself.
inherit 繼承(v.)
Who will inherit the house when he dies?
inheritance 繼承(n.)
heredity 遺傳(n.)
當「here(黏)」加上「dity」就會變遺傳的名詞。人與人之間的遺傳,可以看出與上一代黏著關聯性。Diet and exercise can influence a person's weight, but heredity is also a factor.
hereditary 遺傳的、世襲的(adj.)
Depression is often hereditary.
The position of the head of state is hereditary.
hesitate 躊躇、猶豫(v.)
將「here(黏)」簡化成「he」並加上「sitate」就會變成躊躇、猶豫的意思。身體像黏住一樣要動不動的一種曖昧狀態。In the event of difficulties, please do not hesitate to contract us.
"Do you love me?" she asked. He hesitates and then said, "I'm not sure."
hesitancy 躊躇、猶豫(n.)
A trace of hesitancy showed in the doctor eyes.
hesitant 躊躇的、猶豫的(adj.)
You seemed a bit hesitant about recommending that restaurant - is something wrong with it?
Extra words:
charge 控告、收費(n.v.)、充電(v.)secure 爭取到、使安全(v.)、安全的(adj.)
congressional 國會的(adj.)
athlete 運動員(n.)
tile 磚、瓦(n.)
vision 想像、視野(n.)
sculpture 雕像(n.)
factor 因素(n.)