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cottony 軟綿的(adj.)
heap 堆(n.)
Like you could jump down and you'd land on a big, soft cottony heap.
turn out 結論是
Turns out clouds are mad of water.
It has nothing to do with 與誰無關
Aang, you didn't let this happen. It has nothing to do with you.
spring 泉水,春天(n.)
Why don't you join me in these hot springs.
soak 浸(v.)
And soak away your troubles?
cheered up 振作起來的
Hey, Aang, are you ready to be cheered up?
deserve 應得,值得(v.)
Yeah, I probably deserved that.
acorn 橡果(n.)
These acorns are everywhere, Aang.
oak 橡樹(n.)
Every one of these will be a tall oak tree someday.
marking 標誌(n.)
But those markings...
rumor 謠言(n.)
So the rumors of your return are true.
presence 出席,臨在(n.)
It is the greatest honor of a lifetime to be in your presence.
crisis 危機(n.)
Our village is in crisis. He's our only hope.
abduct 綁架(v.)
but each of the last three nights, he has abducted one of our own.
draw near 接近
We are especially fearful because the winter solstice draws near.
blur 使模糊(v.)
Until the line between them is blurred completely.
there is no telling 難以預料
Once the solstice is here, there is no telling what will happen.
meadow 草原(n.)
vole 田鼠(n.)
once great 輝煌一時
The Dragon of the West, the once-great General Iroh.
cower 畏縮(v.)
We can't sit here and cower while Aang waits for some monster to show up.
hereby 在此(adv.)
in peace 和平地,安靜地
pile 樁柱(n.)
That pile of rocks.
landslide 山崩(n.)
It looks like there's been a landslide, sir.
uphill 上坡(n.)
Land doesn't slide uphill.
laid (lay v.pp,v.ed)
siege 圍困(n.v.)
You once laid siege to it for 600 days.
yield 屈服(v.)
but it would not yield to you.
perhaps 也許(adv.)
Perhaps he will return soon.
bunch 束(n.)
I bet they even found you a bunch of moon peaches for a treat.
joint 關節(n.)
shackle 枷鎖(n.)
My old joints are feeling sore and achy, and these shackles are too loose.
cuff, handcuff 手銬(n.)
That's right. The cuffs are loose.
jangle 叮噹作響(v.)
bump 撞擊(v.)
and they jangle around and bump my wrists.
dealt (deal v.pp,v.ed)
severely 嚴厲地(adv.)
I agree. He must be dealt with immediately and severely.
outnumber 數量超過(v.)
You're clearly outnumbered.
outmatch 勝過(v.)
That's true, but you are clearly outmatched.
trap 困
You were trapped in the Spirit World for 24 hours.
repay 報答(v.)
If only there were a way to repay you for what you've done.
crescent 新月形(n.adj.)
There's a temple on a crescent-shaped island.
原本Spirit world是想翻作通靈界,能和人間界、自然界一樣三個字形成類比,但是通靈好像是指現世到達冥界的一種境界,掙扎到最後還是決定使用靈界。